Membership Registration
Event Registration
Fall Conference 2017
Local Government Center
25 Triangle Park Drive
Concord, NH
September 28th, 2017
9:30- 10 Breakfast and Registration
10am- Business meeting and Voting for new officers
10:30 Mental Health (panel)- Stephanie Loiselle (Wilton Public Library), Rebecca Dehass (Change Direction NH/ Dover Psychologist) – A panel and conversation about how libraries can provide families with information about teen mental health and where libraries can find those resources and more.
11:30- Isinglass and Flume info- Tanya Ricker and Julia Lanter will discuss the changes that have been made with the Isinglass and Flume teen reads awards.
12- Lunch Break
12:20- Featured Speaker- Lisa Bunker Author of Feliz YZ. Lisa will speak about her new book and about how to make libraries a safer place for LGBTQ teens.
1:20 Book Signing and Social networking time- Felix YZ will be available for purchase at a discounted price from Gibson’s Bookstore.
1:30 Safe Spaces (panel)- Lisa Houde (Rye Public Library), Heather Ouellette- Cygan (GSLEN - NH Chapter)- A panel and conversation about how libraries can be safe spaces for teens.
2:15 Social Media Discussion- Laura Horwood-Benton (Portsmouth Public Library) will discuss how we can effectively reach our teens with social media, what social media they are using, etc.
2:45 Raffle- Raffle tickets will be available throughout the day. We will be raffling off a $75 gift card to Amazon.
3:00 End
NHLA Cancellation policy
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New Hampshire Library Association | c/o New Hampshire State Library | Attn: Michael York | 20 Park Street | Concord, NH 03301-6314